Get to Know Web Design

Web Design

What is Web Design?

Seems like a silly question, what we are looking to tackle is the different elements you need to be prepared for while looking into building a website or overhauling your current site. Most of the time needing to overhaul your current website comes from the problems you’re experiencing right now. “I hate the way this block sits..” “I think we can improve our footer” “This element seems off..” If you catch yourself thinking this or saying this in your last UX meeting, odds are you are looking for web design changes. “This button won’t work..” “We want to add some customization for our User.” “We would like the menu to interact differently with our Users” If you catch yourself saying these things, your journey is lead with web development. In this article we are going to break down web design, the trends coming in 2020, big wins and a big no no’s. We will also be bringing forward the differences in web development and web design. How to approach, who to approach and what you should be prepared to handle in house.

What is web design? Web Design is the look and perception of your brand you choose to give through your website. Web design looks, and feel of your website. Sometimes described as the grand idea with the vision of your company’s future in mind. Web Development sees that this grand vision comes true.

Web design deals with the User experience of your website, web development deals with user interaction. User interaction is defined by what happens when a user interacts with your website. User experience or UX is the actual design that is implemented on your website. The basis of your web design like, color, edginess, photos, or simplicity is defined by your demographic also known as the people who are likely to visit your website and buy your products. In this article, NuEthic will show the different web designs and applicable web designs based on your user group through examples from our portfolio as well as local companies.
Things to think about when creating your website’s design are product, demographic targeting, logo, and keeping your brand cohesive. Keeping your brand cohesive is very important. You don’t want your customers to come to your website after visiting your Instagram, youtube, Facebook, even your store, then find a completely different user experience on your website. Lack of cohesive branding can cause your customers to be confused and potentially think they found the wrong website. This can drive traffic to competitors, cause your store to have fewer conversions, as well as a higher bounce rate. Defining your direction within the design and sticking to it is very important. Trust the effort you put to promote the brand as you wish for it to be seen. Stressless about what people might think, everyone is different. Changing your website all the time will have much more of a negative impact than the potential percentage of users who don’t like it. Not to mention the cost.

eCommerce Design

With eCommerce having already taken over as the new norm for tens of millions of consumers, it’s all about giving the online shopper exactly what they want in terms of user experience/interface (UX/UI) and visual appeal. For the most part, the top eCommerce design trends for the immediate future at least focus on usability, speed, and simplicity. The quicker and easier it is to get their hands on whatever it is they want, the better.

Web Design Trends to Look for

If you are going to go through the process of redesigning your website, you had better do it right the first time, hopefully with a bit of forward-thinking. These trends will definitely help.


Giving your customers something to look at while they are experiencing your product can help stimulate them, make them feel better and be more inclined to purchase. Users are becoming more accustomed to seeing gradients. Having one on your site to promote a sale/product is a good idea.

Brand Specific Illustrations

For several years, illustrations have been one of the strongest trends in design. Illustrations are a visual interpretation of a concept that makes the user better understand the idea behind the product. Besides the fact that some good illustrations give originality to the concept, they convey the message much faster.


Motion Graphics

Motion graphics are a trend of the year and it also manifests itself strongly in the UI design aspect of web design. Motion graphics adds power to an illustration, makes the idea easier to assimilate and stays in the user’s memory.

Micro Interactions

Micro-interactions first reared its head in 2018 but this trend is worth keeping an eye on in 2020. They are an extremely important trend in web design, making the difference between a basic app/website and an extraordinary one. Micro-interactions play an essential role in making the user understand how the system works and guide the user toward a better website experience.

Strong Colors

Strong colors have been an important trend in the last two years and will be in 2020. Bold colors are rich, bright and even extremely vibrant. They can be primary or even secondary hues. A local company that takes advantage of this web design and is very on-trend with 2020 is

Isometric Design

Isometric design is a fun and interactive way for users to view your store. This provides a new way for people to look at your store as well as learn information about the services you offer or accommodations you can make. Very enticing way to differentiate yourself from your competition.

The Best Tool in Web Design

Tailoring your web design and aligning your designers with the best tools is very important for getting the job done. For your next web design project, contact us and get to know adobe xd!

Contact NuEthic about Web Design!