Basic Research

Magento 2.0 migration is a good example of a product that is very successful through brick and mortar stores that struggles online. The old SeroVital site was a major part of the problem. Through a redesign onto Magento 2.x and ongoing analytics and site refinements we have been able to increase conversion rates by more than double the old Magento site.
Cart speed optimization:
Not only did we help conversion rates with their site, but increased its speed also. With our experienced developers on the case, we cleaned up the site. We have seen it many times, a company will hire a development agency to build a site, and all that agency does is dump raw code into the page. This tactic certainly gets the job done fast and gets your site up quickly. However, the unseen issue lurks in the background, page speed. According to 2018 research by Google, 53% of mobile users leave a site with load times longer than three seconds. So with that in mind, Basic Research hired us to fix the cart speed. Like a doctor with a scalpel, we made precision changes to the code and speed up the cart. The changes are incredible. Originally 20-25 seconds, we brought the load times down to 9-10 seconds. That is a difference of 60%! Think of what we can do for your site to make your site work for you.
Basic Research –